Happy Clients
The Sleep Sense™ Method, created by Dana Obleman in 2003, has already helped thousands of parents just like you teach their children healthy sleep habits. It was my strong belief in Dana’s system that inspired me to become a professional sleep consultant, and I look forward to helping you and your family achieve the same results that my recent clients have been enjoying. Here are some letters from my happy clients:
- Sukkie was our saviour. We were stuck in the position of carrying around a sleeping baby all evening until we went to bed, at which time he wanted to wake up. With Sukkie’s help we now have a baby who goes to bed in his bed at 7pm and only wakes up once to feed, and even that is my choice. Thanks so much Sukkie, we own you our sanity.
—Alison - I feel relaxed and much more confident in my journey with motherhood. I am grateful for your advice and support. I think I found you at the right time for our family.
—Tracy - Thank you again for all your help and guidance. I was very skeptical about sleep training, but I’m glad that we pursued it. Indeed, the idea of any baby sleeping 12 hours overnight made me laugh — I didn’t think it was possible, at least not one of our children. But, while I believe that we still need to be very diligent in maintaining the structure around their sleep, we have definitely turned a corner. And, the girls do seem more content. We are too, especially as we continue to get more sleep and time for ourselves.
—Rebecca - Hi Sukkie — I can’t tell you how much you have helped our family! Our sleepless nights are a thing of the past. Your support and guidance was invaluable. I would have never thought I would have a good sleeper and now I do! Thank you so much.
—Ali and Brian - Sukkie came to us as a referral from a friend. Our baby Tony was not sleeping at ALL. I was up with him for hours and hours at night. I could not get him to sleep during the day without him cuddling in my arms (which was nice for about 20 minutes). I left like my life was falling apart. With Sukkie’s help everything has changed. Our eight month Tony is now sleeping twelve hours and night and taking two solids naps during the day. Unbelievable!! Thanks you Sukkie, we can’t thank you enough.
—Mandy - Hi Sukkie, I know this is the third week of our training so I know email support is expired so I just wanted to thank you for all your support and encouragement. It really was a lifesaver. It’s amazing how better I feel now that we are both sleeping better. She is so much happier too. Not that she wasn’t before but I didn’t realize she could be happier haha. Thanks for everything. Take care!
—Kim - Dear Sukkie, I’ve very happy with the results. I’m starting to feel like myself again and I can start working more now that she is going down on her own – so much more time not having to rock her to sleep every time. And I’m ecstatic that she is sleeping through the night at her age (which is early from what I’ve read) – I was fully prepared to be getting up once a night for a couple more months so that I just a super bonus.Thanks so much for all your encouragement I don’t think we would have stuck with it without it.
—Kim - Hi Sukkie, I just want to share that after one week on our sleep plan, our 6 month old baby has had her first 12 hour sleep with no waking! Just a week ago, I was a mess, nursing her every 1-2 hours at night to get her back to sleep.So, Sukkie, thank you so much. We could not have done it without your support. Having a full night’s sleep will allow me to be a better mother! It changes everything!
—Kim Paulo - Hey Sukkie, Nick and I were very happy with the service and support.One thing that was really great was how we could modify the plan depending on the baby (e.g. leaving the room rather than staying in while the baby is crying seemed to work better for all of us).It was very helpful that you were available to answer questions and give continued advice, and knowing that you would be checking in every other day helped us stay strong.We still have a few issues to iron out, but we now know what we have to do. The sleep-training has really helped the whole family and I can honestly say that it’s changed my life. Not only can she now sleep in her crib for up to 10 hours straight, but it has improved other aspects of her behavior, for instance, she is much more patient in the stroller and car seat. I no longer feel trapped in the house and we can start doing fun things together…
—Lori A. - Hi Sukkie, I just wanted to give you a quick update on Addie’s progress.She is doing great! She is sleeping well in the night and naps are pretty consistently good. She occasionally has days where she will have a short nap or a waking in the night, but they are usually very short and she just puts herself back to sleep. All in all we are very pleased and we can say that our baby is a very good sleeper. Thank You so much for all your great advise and extra care. We sure appreciated it and will recommend you to anyone we know who is having issues with their child’s sleep. Thank You Again.
—Aimee Ryan and Addie Jabs - When Sukkie first came to our house to meet with us, one of the things she asked me was whether or not I would want to keep that one feeding in the night. I was so confused because we were having so many feedings in the night that I didn’t know which ONE she could have meant. It was totally out of my realm of reality that there could only be one feeding in the night! But with her help and support, our little guy now goes to bed every night at 7:00pm and sleeps for 11-12 hours! We have a great bedtime routine that we both really enjoy. It has actually become a really special time that we spend together before saying goodnight and there is no anxiety for me after he goes to sleep. I know that when he goes to bed, he is IN BED. My husband and I can’t believe it! Sukkie was also extremely supportive and knowing that I could talk to her in the morning and tweak whatever needed a little adjustment here and there was so comforting. She asked all the right questions when I was stuck on something and with her advice we made it through the challenging bits. Thank you for giving our little boy a good night’s sleep, and giving us our lives back!!
—Annie and Chris and Hunter! - Dear Sukkie, Thanks for all your support during this trying time. I know you answered a million emails—the downside of working with an author. But we really appreciated all your positive encouragement, even when we haven’t always felt that positive ourselves. Though we haven’t completely aced everything yet, I do feel that the program accomplished what we originally wanted, which was getting Piper to sleep in her own crib for all her sleep times. We can now put her down at bedtime without her even making a peep. She just rolls over and goes right to sleep, then can usually sleep almost nine hours in a stretch! After nine months of her sleeping in our bed and waking every couple of hours some nights, and nursing three to four times a night, I can’t tell you how nice that has been. Now we just have to get her sleeping longer for her naps! But we know that we can do it as long as we stay consistent and persistent.
—Chevy Stevens, New York Times bestselling author. - My husband and I were on the fence on whether or not to sleep train our son Elias. I was terrified because I knew sleep training would obviously involve some crying. At 9 months Elias was a terrible sleeper. Up 4 – 9 times a night and would only fall asleep if he was nursed or rocked to sleep. We were co-sleeping just to try and get a little more family rest – this was not working. Elias was also very attached to his soother. We couldn’t sleep or leave home without it. Sleeping, or NOT sleeping was taking over my life. We were at our whits end so my husband put his foot down and we called Sukkie. We met with Sukkie and with her support and guidance put together a schedule for Elias. I was skeptical but at this point we needed to try something. Elias was also suffering, not having the skills to sleep more than a few hours at a time. The first 2 nights were hard, but amazingly after about 4 or 5 days Elias was going down without much of a fuss and sleeping most of the night. Naps also went very well. A month later our little man now sleeps 9 – 10 hours a night (without waking!) and naps 2 – 3 times a day, no problem. We lay him down in his crib after our little sleep routine and he rolls over and closes his eyes. Elias is so much happier and is no longer afraid of sleeping alone in his crib. Sukkie has changed our lives and I no longer dread bedtime and naptime. Thank you for all your support Sukkie! My only wish is that we had called Sukkie sooner 🙂
—Jamie, Jesse and Elias Gough - Sukkie, I am so grateful for your support and now that Luke is sleeping through the night I actually have enough energy to stay awake and write this thank you! I’m a Mom of 4 amazing kids, and the first three slept through the night between 9-12 weeks, right on schedule. I had this baby sleeping thing down to a science, right? Along comes Luke to prove to me there are no cookie cutter babies! I found myself getting up 4-6 times every night to a fussy 14 week old. I was a little surprised I needed help, I thought I knew all the tricks, but I was feeling frustrated and tired and at my wits end. I’m so grateful I made the call and so relieved for Sukkie’s expertise. She quickly helped me deduce it was the soother that was the culprit for Luke’s frequent wakenings and was there to support me through teaching Luke to go to sleep without this sleep prop. After 10 days, Luke has slept the last 3 nights through, all 12 glorious hours! I couldn’t have done it without your knowledge and support Sukkie, I can’t thank you enough. He is even happier and more content and the whole house has settled. You are so knowledgeable and made this difficult transition much easier. I am extremely grateful!! I’m off to bed for my own good night’s rest!
—Karen - Thank you so much for all your help with Addison! It is amazing that she went from 3 hours of screaming before bed to nothing! She is able to put herself to sleep calmly and is now on a healthy sleep schedule that works well with our family. I appreciated how easy you were to talk to and how you always seemed to have Addy’s best interests at heart. Our family is grateful for the gift of sleep you have given us!
—Ashley, Dave, Jackson and Addison - We were struggling for months and finally went looking for some help. Sukkie came and saw us right away and we saw a difference instantly. Our daughter still tested us a few times along the way, but with Sukkie’s continuous follow ups and small adjustments we are all getting a lot more sleep now a month later. I would recommend Sukkie to anybody having sleep troubles or even new parents who do not yet know what they’re in for!
—Jesse Smith - We just want to thank you for your time and for giving us an approach to helping our little guy have a better night’s sleep! The first few nights were hard but since then it’s been smooth sailing and the whole household is enjoying the benefits of sleep once again. We know there are still tough times ahead with sleep as he gets older but we feel you have given us some tools and the confidence to help get things back on track. All the best!
—Tyler and Joanna and Cedar
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