Summer Fun and Sleep


Awww summer, nothing like it! Carefree days, ice-cream, camping, riding bikes, hot summer nights, playing, playing and more playing! That is what summer should be about – creating memories that your children will cherish for a lifetime. kid-673584_1280

When it comes to sleep in the summer, most parents become more relaxed with their typical rigid sleep schedule.

If you have a child that actually “sleeps in” after a late night, then you may get off easy and actually be able to be pretty flexible with your summer. Lucky you.

However, if you have a child that wakes up at exactly the same time each day regardless of when he goes to bed at night, then this will start to catch up with him pretty quickly leading to “sleep debt” and you will have an overtired child on your hands within a few days.

We all know what an overtired child is like right? Tantrums, over-dramatization, wired! This makes for no fun for anyone.

So, assess what your child is like with sleep, then adjust (or not adjust) accordingly. If you child POPS up every morning at 6am, then you will want to be a little LESS flexible with his sleep schedule and bedtime.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t have ANY late nights, I would just limit the number of late nights in a row. A good rule of thumb may be if you have a late night, then try to be really consistent with your child’s early bedtime for the next two nights. This way your child’s “sleep debt” is not getting out of control.

Also, after a late night, have a bit more of relaxed and easy day with little activity so your child is not over-stimulated and overtired – double trouble combination!

Try to relax, enjoy summer and be aware of your child’s sleep needs.



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